Automotive Systems Technology

Automotive servicing has changed drastically in the past 10 years. Technicians work with electronic equipment as well as tools, and they must understand computer diagnostics along with the basics of vehicle repair. To fix a vehicle, the technician must be able to properly diagnose the problem.

The Automotive Systems Technology program prepares individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to repair, service, and maintain all types of automobiles. The program includes instruction in brake systems, electrical systems, engine performance, engine repair, suspension and steering, automatic and manual transmissions and drive trains, and heating and air condition systems.

Graduates should be prepared to take professional licensure exams and enter careers as entry-level technicians in the transportation industry.

Program Chair

Wade Vernon


North Campus

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) also states that it can be to your advantage to earn certification from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE).

The need for and importance of automotive technicians can be seen in the fact that more than 200 million cars, trucks, and buses are on the roads today — all requiring maintenance, inspection, and repair.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, technicians and mechanics have an average salary of $42,840 in the state of North Carolina as of May 2020.

To do their job, technicians must know a lot about how complex parts of the car and truck work together. They must be able to work with electronic equipment that tells them what is wrong.

Our training will not only give students the skills, satisfaction and confidence they need to get the job done right, it will also give them the ability to increase their earning potential.
Carl Smith

Instructor in Automotive Systems Technology

I really enjoyed my time at Rowan-Cabarrus in the Automotive program. It’s wonderful to get hands on life experience at an affordable price.
Jeremy Morris
